Full column set: CHROM POS ID REF ALT QUAL FILTER INFO FORMAT GENOTYPE Definitions (see the GATK website for detailed explanation of VCF format): CHROM = reference chromosome; POS = base position on the reference chromosome; based on FlyBase annotation release 5.57 (found here - http://fb2014_03.flybase.org/) ID = Empty for this dataset REF = Reference genome allele ALT = Alternate allele QUAL = Quality value for the called allele FILTER = Not applicable in all-sites VCF file; no filtering criterion were applied at this stage INFO = Typically verbose field that we reduced only to mapping quality (MAPQ) "FORMAT = key to last column, the Genotype column. This is removed in the" "reduced files, but in the full file would be: GT:AD:DP:GQ:MLPSAC:MLPSAF:PL" "where GT = genotype, AD = allele depth, DP = depth, GQ = genotype" "quality, MLPSAC = maximum likelihood expectation for the alternate allele" "count, MLPSAF = maximum likelihood expatiation for the alternate allele" "fraction, PL = Normalized, Phred-scaled likelihoods for genotypes as" defined in the VCF specification "GENOTYPE = Genotype, depth, and likelihood information (defined above)" "For the reduced VCF, the ID, FILTER and FORMAT columns were removed. All other" fields remained unchanged.